Lumafield | Atlas AI manufacturing co-pilot for engineers
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An AI co-pilot for engineers

Work faster with the world's most experienced engineer by your side.

Double your productivity and make the right decision the first time, every time.

Try Atlas
A text block that says visualize, analyze, and share with arrows motioning downward.
Streamlined Decisions

Leverage the world’s engineering expertise

Elevated Productivity

‍Automate inspection

Atlas quickly interprets your 3D surface or Neptune CT scan data, running CAD comparisons, porosity checks, and dimensional inspections. It then creates bookmarks to pinpoint key features and explains the results in plain language.

fast knowledge transfer

Align your team

Atlas can organize and share your team’s internal knowledge with Voyager's Enterprise Tier. Stop duplicating your engineering efforts; just ask Atlas how your colleagues have solved similar problems.

Ready to build with AI?