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Agriculture and Food

Agriculture and Food

Industrial CT enables bulk scanning of grains and seeds to detect contaminants, pests, and defective seeds, as shown here in this package of soy beans.

In addition to safety and quality control, industrial CT is invaluable for analyzing the internal structures of agricultural products. This includes assessing moisture content and distribution, which is critical for products like dried fruits and baked goods. Accurate moisture measurement ensures product consistency and prevents issues like mold growth or spoilage.

Lumafield’s user-friendly Neptune industrial CT scanner, browser-based Voyager analysis software, and high-throughput Triton system provide comprehensive solutions to these challenges. Our inspection platform offers detailed, non-destructive insights into the internal and external features of agricultural and food products, helping companies enhance quality control, ensure safety, and reduce waste. By leveraging industrial CT, companies can improve their production processes, safeguard consumer health, and reduce economic losses due to product recalls and contamination.

CT lets us assess seed and seedling quality with much higher repeatability than traditional manual methods.


Industrial CT enables precise measurement of moisture levels and porosity in bread, crucial for preventing mold growth and ensuring consistent texture.


Ketchup Bottle

Lumafield's Surface Capture and industrial CT technology can capture all aspects of food packaging, including those hidden by overhangs as well as shiny and reflective surfaces.


Granola Bar

This CT scan of a granola bar reveals a fragment of rock embedded within the product. Industrial CT can detect foreign objects to ensure food safety and quality.
